Cortisone is the name used to describe a group of drugs commonly known as corticosteroids. Cortisone is used to treat pain in various parts of the body where inflammation is felt to be the cause of this pain. Cortisone is effective in treating such pain as it is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Using CT or Ultrasound to guide the injection into the area of suspected/proven pain allows a high dose of cortisone to be accurately delivered without the side effects of taking cortisone tablets.

Cortisone injections are performed as a treatment for pain associated with a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, such as:

  • Bursitis (most commonly subacromial and trochanteric bursitis)
  • Arthritis
  • Nerve pain (most commonly for carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis (such as plantar fasciitis, trigger finger, DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis, Tennis and Golfer’s elbow)
  • Other conditions where inflammation is a contributor to the pain (for example frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis, Morton’s neuroma, ganglion cyst injections and Dupuytren’s contracture)


    A doctor’s referral and an appointment are required for this examination.

    Please let us know when making your appointment if you are taking any medications that thin your blood.

    Please also bring along your request form, any previous imaging, and your Medicare card/any concession cards to your appointment.


    The skin is washed with antiseptic. A thin needle, similar to a needle used for taking a blood sample is guided into the area to be treated using CT or ultrasound. There may be mild discomfort with needle placement and during the injection. In some cases where a cyst or ganglion is distended with fluid, the cortisone may be injected after an attempt to aspirate (remove) the fluid.

    Please allow 20-30 minutes for this procedure.


    You will be able to leave the clinic shortly after the procedure is completed and will usually be able to drive yourself home. Our reception staff will advise if there are procedures where you will require someone to drive you home.

    If you experience unusual or concerning symptoms following the injection, please contact our clinic or your local doctor.

    At New Medical Imaging Clinic Radiologist will send a report to your referring clinician detailing the procedure performed. Sometimes you will be requested to make a follow up appointment with your doctor to review the treatment.


    CT or Ultrasound guided Cortisone injections are very safe procedures with few significant risks.

    • Infections resulting from Cortisone injections are extremely rare (less than 1/1000).
    • Post injection “flare” or a transient worsening of pain and symptoms. This occurs in up to 25% of patients and can last 2-3 days. It is due to a local increase in inflammation as a result of the injection. Treatment is a combination of rest, analgesia (Paracetamol based pain relief) and anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS).
    • Atrophy (weakening and thinning) of soft tissues. This is due to the effect of the corticosteroid and can include thinning and loss of colour to the skin, thinning of fat beneath the skin, and tendon tear/rupture. This is the main reason for limiting steroid injections to once every 3 months and a maximum of 3 per year.
    • Temporary elevation of blood sugar levels (BSL) in diabetics.
    • Facial flushing.



We are a Radiology practice with branches in Craigieburn, Broadmeadows and Gladstone Park. At New Medical Imaging we provide a complete range of services that include CT, bone density, OPG, Cone Beam CT, interventional procedures, ultrasound, Elastography and digital X-ray.

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